2013/ 01/15 16周. 預約號碼: 天字第一號. 讓大腹便便的娘娘我心情非常愉悅, 本宮應該是不用像上次一樣在人龍中等到天荒地老才能見到很有藝術氣息的黎醫生一面.
一早起來, 天空又藍又高, 一掃過去幾週溼冷. 陰雨綿綿不斷的惱人氣候, 整個城市都不自覺的輕快起來, 連早上睡過頭, 都沒有讓毛B急躁不安. 甚至, 還撥了時間去好丘大吃了一頓[噸]早午餐, 才牽者手一路走去公司上班.
下午1點我們準時的在中山醫院3樓黎醫生的看診室外投下白色的看診單, 我就迫不及待的去上了個廁所, 原因無他, 就是等一下產婦要過磅, 最近吃的超開心, 心情緊張的, 最後一滴尿都要排光光. 人還在廁所, 護士就在大叫, 一號, 一號小姐, 我趕緊匆匆拉上褲子[ 產婦褲子真不好拉....]飛奔出來, 因為每次等待的人都很多, 所以要注意不小心就被跳號了~
黎醫生用一個很像大型收音機的機器來聽我肚子裡的心跳. 胎兒的心跳真的很快啊, 一分鐘145下, 胎兒急速心跳聽的令人有點緊張.
已經很久沒有照超音波了, 今天黎醫生不但送我去抽血[ 咬牙] 驗尿[ 孕婦尿最多, 不怕] , 還送我去地庫照相. 中山醫院的超音波室是跟診間分開的, 每次幫我照的[ 應該是固定跟黎醫生配對的] 那位女醫師人很好, 讓我很安心, 雖然要下樓好像有點麻煩, 其實比較好, 沒有後面一堆人在診間等, 隱私性高, 女醫師也非常細心, 每次都準備相當充足的時間來好好觀察胎兒.
這次也不例外, 時間久到後來我都放空了.
一開始看到寶寶揮手, 吃手指頭, 轉身都還蠻有趣的. 因為並不是每次產檢都有照相, 所以感覺這次寶寶長大好多, 活動性好強, 手指腳骨都長得很清晰了, 很修長. 女醫師還指出寶寶鼻骨甚高, 應該沒有唐氏症的風險. 聽到這一句, 高齡產婦高懸的一顆心稍稍放鬆了一點. 接下來的女醫師說了麼話, 我都不太記得, 只覺得, 請問這個超音波還在上上下下企圖照甚麼ㄋㄟ? 孕婦只想趕快把肚子上黏呼呼的潤滑膠擦乾淨. 褲子一拉, 趕快去吃
按照我老公寫家書中的說法, 當時的狀況是這樣的:
"Hmmm...it's hard to tell, the cord is in the way. Wait. Oh yes, there it is! Wow it is very big!" She then typed MALE onto the screen and it was settled - we're having a baby boy! That's how we found out yesterday that "it" is a he. I guess junior has a lot to live up to now haha! Ai is about 4 months now and we were planning on waiting until after a few more checks, since Ai is over 34 and a higher risk pregnancy, to let you all know. However yesterday the ultrasound woman was able to confirm that everything looks good, especially regarding Downs syndrome, and we feel much more comfortable (fingers crossed) that the baby is healthy. There's still some uncertainties but we'd like you all to know whats going on and we'll keep you updated on how things go as we find out more. At the risk of being one of "those" dads to-be I attached the ultrasound image. Sorry but I just think its too funny not to (for people unfamiliar with ultrasounds this is an "ass-view" and the thing in the middle that looks like a mushroom is the clear evidence haha)
Oh and by the way, we're pregnant! ( I want to be part of this too :)
令人驚訝的是, 才區區16周, 肚中寶寶的男性象徵就已經這樣具體而微, 雄赳赳氣昂昂. 女醫師毫無猶豫的就在照片上方打下" 男性" 一詞. 啊, 那我想我們叫他大鵰這樣也算名符其實啦-新手父母衷心歡迎毛大鵰底笛問世.