Sunday, September 5, 2010


The weather is amazing today in Taipei city, after 3 big typhoons we have a crystal clear sky! If anyone want to visit Taiwan, I would say Sep is a nice time to come.

We heard fro the ICRT radio there is a big music event in Breeze Center this afternoon and B and I decided to walked to there. Since we had so many visitors during last year, we started to carry the small camera every where we go in the city. We are the tourists in town!

We found this installation exhibition in town today, they are all over the place and  this is one location they have the large dolls.

 九月的台北天氣真的太夯, 陽光普照,空氣乾燥.一整個就是要出去走走的心情!
可惜今天覺得自己很腫, 有可能是女生一個月一次的煩惱,有可能水腫,也有可能單純的就是吃太多....事實上,這個月胖了3公斤...老天!

無論如何,人還是要出門, 只好穿上新買的lepetto來給自己打氣!
今天和B走到微風,因為聽到廣播說今天2:00-4:00有活動, 活動不怎樣,倒是在路上看到粉樂町的裝置活動!
自從我們開始有訪客從國外來看我們, 現在生活在台北就好像在旅行一樣, 天天都帶相機出門拍一些新發現的東西,這種感覺挺好的@

裙子: zara[瑞典購]
鞋子: lepetto[微風]
包包: [泰國購]

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